So my friends and I started this thing we call "Pokémon Bookclub Except It's Video Games Not Books".
We started with Gen 1, and we play through the game until we get to a certain milestone (like say, beating the second gym). Then we meet up and discuss the section we played through. We're about to finish up Gen 4.
The version of the game for the generation folks want to play is up to them (old hardware, emulation, VC, remakes, etc).
It's been fun! And we're in the middle of the generations I missed in my teenage years and very young adulthood (generations III, IV, and V) so it's been cool to revisit and see how the games progressed during that time.
The other thing I've been doing, in a very similar vein, I've been calling "Finally Fantasy." I'd been threatening to do it for like 8 years. I had never really played through the Final Fantasy games as a kid, and as a teen and young adult I was a little asshole and be crappy about the series because of the hype around it. But my friends liked it, so as I got a little bit older and less of an asshole I decided I should give it a fair shake.
So the idea was to start going through them chronologically by American main releases. So like, I, IV, VI, VII, VII, XI and X. After I get done with those, I'll probably split out into the ones that didn't originally come to the US (II, III, and V) and other side games.
I finally started it in January for like the 3rd time, and actually finished FFI (I did the NES Mini version), so now I'm on IV. I might be halfway through it? A LOT OF PLOT KEEPS HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE SO I'M NOT SURE.
I was supposed to kind of blog/journal about it as I went through it, my spouse is bothering me to still do that. But I'm worried it'll make it too much of a "chore".