Nerd & Tie Podcast Network

Hey all, I've been hoping for the return of message boards for ages now, so when I heard this place existed, I signed up. I then immediately forgot it existed because I need to get back into the habit of regularly looking at places other than social media.
I've been listening to BS-Free Witchcraft and Hex Positive for a couple years now (I'm not actually a witch, but I dabbled in high school and I've always had an interest in it, and if I were forced to practice a religion in some sort of dystopian scenario, that would probably be my choice). I just recently started listening to Casual Trek, as I'm a huge Star Trek nerd. I'm originally from the Midwest in the US, but I've lived in Chile for over a decade now. I'm a lifelong ttrpg player (I started when I was about 9 years old with AD&D) and I do historical reenactment and spend way too much time playing videogames.
So hi! Good to be here 😃

Welcome welcome!

It's a little slow here, but there are a few of us trying our best to keep it active 🙂

There is no such thing as spending too much time on videogames 😤
Welcome to the gang!


The Nerd & Tie PodcastLet's Be LegendaryStormwood & AssociatesThe MeatgrinderFamicom DojoTwo Boobs Watch the Tube
Casual TrekCeleste is BestBS-Free WitchcraftHex PositivePour Man's HistoryCool & Unusual Punishment

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